Entries by hawikerwaard


We are looking for an experienced Groom on short notice. Experience with young horses and stallions is a plus. Truck driving license and code 95 is a requirement. Living quarters may be available. For more information, email: info@havikerwaard.nl or call us 0313-631380.  

Babylone J&F Z (Balobet du Rouet x Muscaris)

Babylone J&F Z a nice clear ride in the 6-year-old in Peelbergen. Ridden by Shane Dwan Babylone J&F Z nice clear ride in the 6-year-old in Peelbergen. Ridden by Shane Dwan.🍀🚀 Gepostet von Stal de Havikerwaard am Montag, 17. Februar 2020

Hawk's Uno (Nummero Uno x Germus)

Havik's Uno, 8-year-old Numero Uno. Last Saturday in Putten a nice first place in the 1.35 class. His first round ridden by Shane Dwan. Havik's Uno, 8-year-old Numero Uno. Got a nice first place last Saturday in the 1.35 class. His first round ridden by Shane Dwan🚀🍀🥇 Postedet von Stal de Havikerwaard am Montag, 17. Februar [...]

Great results in Olst!

Nice results Paardencentrum Tiebot in Olst. Emilie Dekkers earned a third place with Quiwi Capitola (Quiwi Dream x Cero I) in the 1.20 m class. Shane Dwan with the Contendro I x Quidam de Revel mare Costa Quanta won the 1.20 m. Catch Twenty Two VO Z was second with Jurgen Stenfert in the [...]