Entries by hawikerwaard

LARA DDH passed EPTM test

  Recently Lara DDH (Larenco x Valentino DDH) passed her EPTM test with a fantastic grade list . She received a total of 85p including a 9 for both ability and attitude. Lara was bred by us and comes from the same lineage as the approved stallion Qlano (Quintus x Celano). Look for more information about this fantastic [...]

Mister Hornet DDH approved by the KWPN!

  MISTER HORNET DDH25000117548385S 21-day performance test/jumper stallions - fall 2020 Cat.No. examination: 7, cat.No. HK'20: 071 07-05-2017, 1.67 M, BROWN V. CORNET OBOLENSKY ERK V. CLINTON ERK M. ARNACQUINE DU MESNIL SP V. QUARNAC DU MESNIL M. GIRANDOLE MV. BILL DE BAUGY - CORRENT BREEDER: M. JEAN-LUC LEBOURGEOIS, LA LUCERNE D OUTREMER GER.: STUD STATION DE [...]


What a great article about Karel DDH. Karel DDH has been loaned to Kim de Nies through the organization Breeder seeks rider. https://www.dehoefslag.nl/laatste-nieuws/kim-nies-kareltje-gouden-paard.html?fbclid=IwAR3VydVt21cHjFZ6sElz-yT0m6gMVFjZYTb8DQwBR0d8xGBjg-p3Nk_jpRY  

GMB Catch Twenty Two VO Z

Good start of the GMB young horse competition. Nice first place in the 6-7 year olds. Catch Twenty Two VO Z (Catoki x Mr Blue) with Demi Dijks (pictured with Quiwi Capitola)

Catch Twenty Two VO Z

Nice article about our stallion Catch Twenty Two VO Z on the NRPS site. IJSSELMUIDEN - The NRPS-approved riding horse stallion Catch Twenty Two VO Z won the GMB competition for 6&7-year-old show jumpers under the saddle of Demi Dijks. The bay stallion made no mistakes and was truly the fastest. There were still 22 combinations riding clear, [...]

Practice jumping in the Havikerwaard

Starting Monday, May 18, it will also be possible to ride a practice course with us by appointment. We assume that the measures to prevent the spread of the virus are observed. We can be reached at to make an appointment. The cost is €12.50 [...]